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Why improve the performance of your racing bike

Why improve the performance of your racing bike
Al lavoro in bici? L’ambiente ringrazia, ma anche le tue tasche. Senza dimenticare la salute.

It may sound like a trivial question, but have you ever thought like that? The most experienced cyclists never stop improving their bike. Beyond fashion and racing to the most exclusive component, there are many reasons that could push you to invest in new bike components.

In this article, we find out what are the most important reasons to improve the performance of your racing bike.

Three reasons that could push you to improve your bike:

  • The standard components mounted on your bike could be of medium-low quality;
  • You may want to go from an amateur type of cycling to a more competitive one;
  • Even if you do not compete, a better performing bike would improve your riding experience.

Keep reading, we will explain these reasons point by point because we believe it is important to improve the performance of your bike.


1) The standard components mounted on the most common bikes are often of medium-low quality

The main road bike manufacturers create dream products.

Surely you have admired the custom-built bikes that are used by the great champions during the season: well, you must consider that only a small part of the turnover collected by the big brands comes from the sale of racing bikes fitted with top-of-the-range components. The overwhelming majority of normal cyclists dream of a product "from Giro d'Italia", only to collide with the high price of jewelry in the shop window. This way it is directed towards the less demanding sisters, giving priority to the quality of the frame compared to that of the series components.

This choice is completely legitimate, but we must be aware of the fact that we are accepting a compromise in terms of performance.

If you have made this choice, you must know that this is one of the main reasons why many cyclists buy new components for their bicycle: in fact, with the passage of time, you could incur breakages or notice a more rapid wear of the parts more in contact with the ground, such as aluminium or carbon wheels. Even poor maintenance is a factor that can affect the wear of road bike wheels or other mechanical components.

If you have any doubt on how to do the ordinary maintenance of the wheels for racing bikes, read this article. link

Upgrading the standard components for your racing bike could therefore be a choice that allows you to reduce the risk of incurring in technical problems during your outings, as well as to improve your performance thanks to products that make the bike lighter and more flowing. Simply put, better performing.

If you do not know what are the most important components to update on your bike, we'll explain it in this article link


2) You want to go from an amateur cycling to a more competitive cycling

Another common reason why the more experienced cyclists want to upgrade their racing bike is linked to participation in cycling competitions such as the Gran Fondo.

The Gran Fondo events are now very relevant in the Italian cycling scene, but also international. Participating in a Gran Fondo means being able to compete with many other enthusiasts who gather to spend a day sharing the passion for cycling, but for many it also means spending a healthy day with family or friends. Sometimes, moreover, we are not limited to just one Gran Fondo, but we plan a circuit that includes more days, a good way to give continuity to our season and to compete with different riders around Italy.




Obviously, those who compete, both at a high level and at an amateur level, do it trying to improve themselves day after day.

So, if you are thinking of starting to practice a more competitive type of cycling, it can become fundamental to invest in the improvement of the components mounted on your racing bike.

For example, a more comfortable saddle could allow you to train for more time without suffering, as well as a new pair of carbon road racing wheels could be added to your normal aluminium wheel train. In fact, the double wheel train so composed is normally used by cyclists who alternate prolonged training sessions with aluminium wheels on competition days where they choose a pair of high-profile carbon wheels. This allows them, for example, to improve fluency, gaining valuable seconds in time trials in view of the finish line.

To improve your performance, it is undoubtedly essential that your wheels are always in good health.

Not sure if it's time to replace the wheels of your bike? Download the free wheels check up guide.


3) Even if you do not participate in competitions, staying behind is never pleasant

We talked about the importance of having a level of components if you participate in races and cycling competitions, but have you ever thought about the normal use of your racing bike?

Especially if you have a few miles in the legs, here that even entering a heavy relationship, embark on a climb or a slight slope during a normal outing with friends can become a pain. Of course, it's never nice to be left behind, and even if the main solution to this problem is to increase the miles travelled in training, certainly improving the performance of your racing bike can help.

In particular, to face particularly demanding climbs, you could choose a pair of wheels specifically designed for this use. Ursus includes in its range some products designed specifically for this use: Athon is an aluminium wheel for clincher, used in racing bikes of the professional teams who have chosen Ursus for their sessions of training and very light uphill. Miura TS37 EVO is instead a low profile carbon wheel for tubular, very light and rigid. In particular, the Miura TS37 EVO is the perfect choice to improve the performance of your uphill racing bike and never get away from the group.








So why improve the performance of your racing bike? As we have just seen, there are several reasons why the most experienced cyclists never stop updating their bike components: even if the training and the leg remain the main factor that affects your performance, wheels and components of superior quality can make the difference.

If you want to limit technical problems, go faster in the race or if you simply do not want to stay behind during Sunday outings with friends, then you might consider buying new high-performance components like our carbon wheels for racing bikes.

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