Ursus Magazine

Bike equipment in cycle tourism: the must-haves

Written by Sample HubSpot User | May 29, 2024 11:46:42 AM

What bike equipment should a cyclist always have with them? If you are thinking of taking a bike trip, this is a basic question to ask. There are some bike accessories that you absolutely must have on hand, in any case and we will talk about them in a little while. 

For the rest, however, the choice basically depends on the type of itinerary, the season, the climate and the duration of the trip. In this article, we provide you with some useful tips for planning what to pack in your bags. 

For example, if you are heading off to somewhere where the weather is cold, we advise you to bring basic winter bike gear and few changes of clothes for when you want to explore a town or city. Organise yourself to always have a clean change of clothes available but focus on light luggage to always be agile.

We also asked for first-hand advice from cyclist Giulia Baroncini, just back from her trip on two wheels from Milan to Chicago. She shares, “Cycling is something very personal and the equipment must be adapted to the type of trip. I don’t have any specific advice because in reality, what is indispensable for someone may not be for someone else.” 

There is something, however, that Giulia thinks is indispensable for everyone ...

The bike equipment you should NEVER leave at home

What is Giulia referring to? 
Let’s start with the must-have bike accessories – the items you should never, ever leave home without.
Our cyclist shares that you cannot travel by bike without having a repair kit with you.

“Bringing the tools to repair punctures and bike malfunctions is definitely essential for everyone, as is an inner tube or a tubeless tyre. There are always mechanical problems.”

You should not forget, for example:

  • A pump;
  • A spare inner tube or tubeless tyre;
  • A puncture kit;
  • A multi-purpose tool with wrenches, nuts, chain splitter, etc.;
  • Patches for the tyres and tapes;
  • Replacement brake pads;
  • Spare spokes;
  • Sandpaper.

Before setting off, we suggest that you practice some repairs so that you are not caught off guard in the event of something going wrong. And something will certainly go wrong!
Always try to have a map of nearby bike or repair shops, so you know where to go when you can’t solve problems with DIY.

Travelling by bike: what to bring for a safe ride

Travelling by bike alone or in company is a unique experience, which makes you much more aware of your potential but also of your limitations. And one of the first limits you must recognise is that regarding your safety – you must never ever neglect the bike accessories that allow you to travel safely.

The helmet

The first item is the helmet. In Italy, it is not mandatory to wear a bike helmet but if you travel abroad, it could be. Regardless of the law, a helmet is a protective device that can help you avoid bad traumas, even serious ones. You should never ride without one.

To travel by bike, you will also need to use bags, bikepacking gear or even a towing trolley for your luggage. This extra weight can make you lose stability, especially on bends or downhill. A helmet is really essential to reduce the risk of a fall.

Night visibility

Other tools that you should not underestimate are those that allow you to travel safely in the dark. Take them with you even if you are not planning to ride at night, because trips are full of unexpected events. So, equip your bike with front and rear lights (these are also mandatory in Italy when riding in the dark) and bring a reflective jacket with you.

Reflective details on your bicycle wheels are also useful. For example, Giulia Baroncini travelled with the Ursus TC 37 Disc wheels and gave us some feedback on them, saying,

“I really liked the reflective detail of the word Ursus, which helped me on my night rides. In principle, I did not expect to go out at night but in some cases, it happened. The reflection of the word Ursus on the rubber was very useful in making me visible.”

Little comforts 

Finally, we suggest that you equip the bike with the accessories that allow you to ride more comfortably. A great idea is to fit a rear-view mirror on the bike’s handlebars to help you see approaching vehicles without continuously twisting your neck or torso.

It is also worth adopting a seatpost to achieve a comfortable posture, especially for long journeys. Also choose a comfortable seat and make sure the bike fits your biometric measurements.

Some last tips before departure

We have now seen the essential tools to react to mechanical malfunctions and to travel safely.
For the rest, accessories and clothing for travelling by bike must be adapted to the type of trip you want to take and there is no one-size-fits-all advice we can give you about luggage.

But let us share with you the last suggestions that Giulia gave us, after her experience of the trip,

“I recommend carrying with you the bare minimum – on the road, you always use the same things. The important thing is to bring clothing suitable for the seasons.” 

Giulia also suggests having one magical item with you, stating,

“It’s definitely worth bringing a camera to capture the things and people you meet. It was the tool I used the most!” 

After all, travelling by bike is a form of slow tourism, which allows you to observe all the details closely and to meet people, discover places and cultures. A camera is rightly one of the must-haves for cyclists.

Discover the Ursus TC 37 Disc road wheels.
Lightweight, reliable, with reflective detail for pedalling at night.